We are very pleased to show some of the projects that we have worked on. Please get in touch to find out more information any particular project.

Lumina is leading the industry in handheld, IR and UV LED treatments for both pet owners and professional animal physiotherapists. We worked with Optimus to bring the custom handheld product from concept to market while following strict regulations and power requirements.

Fast Foiler Comb
The Fast Foiler™ is innovative solution to make hair styling and dying much easier and quicker. The key feature being the adhesive pad on the top of the comb, allowing the users to quickly pickup single hair foils without the struggle of separating several sheets, allowing the for hairdresser to focus on the hair.

Space-Saving, Eco-Friendly Coat Hanger
This space saving coat hanger was designed to lift your wardrobe, allowing for more clothes within a space, while also being manufactured from biodegradable wheat fibre.

Treat Dispensing Muzzle
This highly customisable dog muzzle allows dogs in training to receive treats on walks and at the vets even when wearing a muzzle, reducing stress on the dog and allowing training to continue.

Marine Engine Cover
This high gloss engine cover was designed to catch attention, at the launching event of this brand new electric motor assembly. The cover was designed to be easily made as a one off for the show.

Moulded Fibre Bung
We worked with an industry leader to remove a plastic consumable from their product assembly, utilising fully recyclable moulded fibre to improve, further improving the environmental impact of the company.

3D printable Prosthetic
This open source, 3D printable, custom prosthetic is designed to aid children and adults who still have their extremity, therefore cannot use standard prosthetics. The prosthetic uses muscle sensors to trigger the hand to open or close and can easily be resized to suit each user.

MG Midge Mascot
The original pewter MG Midge Mascot was used on MG cars for a short period around 1930. Now highly sort after we were commissioned to design a 3D printed replica, allowing MG fans to have a replica piece of automotive history.

Manufacturing Process Visuals
A large UK based manufacturer requested a 3D model demonstrating a unique manufacturing process, so issues could be discussed between third parties quickly and clearly without confusion.

Salt And Pepper Grinders
These modern salt and pepper grinders were designed to sit as part of a family, while clearly displaying the different seasonings using different coloured woods, with each grinder being unique.

3D printable Game Minatures
These miniatures were commissioned to be 3D printed on demand and sold for use during miniature gaming such as Warhammer.

Adjustable Mirror
This project will be launching late 2024 - more details will be available soon as the product reaches the market.

Transdermal Strap
This Apple Watch strap attachment works to improve the lifestyle and health of its wearer by offering transdermal patches discreetly. Expected to launch in 2025, watch this space.

Transparent Epidemic Mask
We worked with a University spinout to further develop a transparent mask designed to increase ease of communication during epidemics by making the mouth visible.

Innovative Veterinary Device
This innovative veterinary device is scheduled to launch in 2025, offering a new approach to veterinary healthcare and offering much faster healing times for your pet or animal. More information soon.

All Terrain Vehicle
We provided early design iterations and concept work for a new innovative product which will assist greenskeepers with keeping the lawns fresh. This project is currently under NDA.

Your next project
If you have a project in mind that you would like to bring to market, get in touch at info@batesproductdesign.com and we will be happy to provide a free concept review and quotation.